Libraries for Kids (2000-Current)
This program, addressing the Family Literacy Childhood Education Component, has resulted in the refurbishment of eighty-seven area libraries in schools, community, and state agencies. Each of the recipients must meet the following criteria: show a sufficient need for books, explain how the grant will be spent, give a detailed description of how the books will be used, and give a brief description of the program that qualifies the school for the grant. Those viewed as most in need may receive a grant and brand new books. Other schools and agencies that demonstrate a great need receive a number of new books to supplement their libraries.
This program specifically addresses the need for children to read for meaning and interpretation (NYS Education Standard 1). An enriched library provides resource material for parents and teachers to help aid children in meeting their educational needs, from cognitive goals in Individual Education Plans in their elementary years, to the Regents Exams in their secondary education years. Many children come from homes lacking not only educational and literacy resources, but also lacking necessities such as food and adequate clothing. By providing a substantial library in the children’s school environments, Project Flight are providing these children with a wealth of resources that are otherwise non-existent in their home environment.
For example this year in 2015-2016, the Library For Kids Program refurbished the library at the P.S. 415 Middle Early College High School, Maryvale Intermediate School, North Collins Elementary School, Windermere Boulevard Elementary School, West Buffalo Charter School as well as at the A. J. Schmidt Elementary School. In addition, the Library for Kids Program also gave a large donation to The Salvation Army, an agency that distributes much needed materials to numerous community organizations all over the Western New York area.